Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Food

My little princess wants to jump me for my lunch dinner or whatever I’ am eating she wants’ it and tries to grab it from my hands it is so cute and funny. But many experts say that this is a sign that your baby is ready for solid food so I will share some of my recipes to making a health baby food insha Allah. So we can stop feeding our baby’s jars or pre packed   food. The best way is to make your baby’s food at home first you know what you are putting in and the entire ingredients are fresh.

You will need:

  1. A large pot
  2. vegetables’ such as  potato, sweet potato, butternut squash, parsnip, carrot, broccoli or cauliflower
  3. Chicken Breast
  4. Chicken Stock
  5. salt
  6. Olive Oil
  7. Pasta
  8. Peas

  Wash All the Vegetables and the chicken
  Combine All your ingredients into the pot (make sure you cut all your vegetables and chicken breast into small and the  pasta also.
 Add water chicken stock a pinch of salt and 1tsp  olive oil .
Cook it for about 1 hour or until everything is tender

Blend in a food processor until it becomes smooth  

• Cover, cool and refrigerate cooked meat immediately.
• Keep no more than 2 days in small, airtight containers

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